Is this new “Self Love” wave making our generation even more narcissistic than empathic? It seems like everyone is throwing around the word “toxic” and are practicing self love but what is self love really? Personally I believe we all have our own unique way of defining love and we all love differently which is what makes love so amazing and unexplainable. The way we love ourselves sets the tone for how others will love us. If you lack respect, love and compassion for yourself you can not expect to find that in another. Many of us aren’t taught how to love because honestly there isn’t any one way to love correctly. However it is important that we do not become this self absorbed society who cuts of anyone they believe to be “toxic” some people we must be more patient with than others that is where empathy comes into play. We must teach ourselves how to love and respect others the way we expect to be loved and respected as cringe as it may sound. You can not expect anything from another individual that you are not willing to put out yourself first. Self love is important and crucial to gaining a new perspective in life. Once you realize every single standard you have can only be met by yourself well you meet or even exceed those standards and that energy transcends into the way you treat those around you. We can become our own worst enemy if we allow the mind to turn on us. That negativity can really take a toll on your mental health and self esteem. You begin to not care about yourself and eventually you stop caring about others those who you once loved so much. Self love is allowing others to love you even when you believe you aren’t worthy of it. We are technically never “single” we are always in a relationship with ourselves. I constantly get
asked how to manifest love/relationships but the answer is simple you attract what you put out. The laws of the universe are magic when applied correctly. You can buy rose quartz change your entire persona and appearance but until you heal what you must heal you will continue to repeat old behavior and patterns. Dating in this generation is hard because it seems like everyone is playing games with one another. People are treating one another as if karma was blind and do not realize they poison their own sauce. What goes around indeed comes back around living life with that in mind helps make better decisions.Once you begin to love yourself with the same passion and intensity that you love others you won’t accept anything less but good energy around you. Self love is also checking yourself at times we are the ones projecting toxic characteristics and we must be responsible and accountable for what we project without being so quick to claim victim and cut off “toxicity”. Spiritual awakenings are all about personal growth and accountability. Once you realize we are all just stardust here to learn cosmic lessons. We are all put here with a purpose whether you believe so or not , but there is no such things as coincidences everything happens for a reason and no matter where you are in this point in your life the best advice anyone can give you is to LOVE YOURSELF. Love yourself because like it or not you are all you have in this lifetime you can sit and dwell in the sorrows of life or indulge in every emotion, lesson and thing that make us human. Self love should always come from a place of empathy and far away from the ego. Change starts within you never fix the flower instead you fix it’s environment, start to view yourself as a garden and watch your life flourish.